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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012.
Name of the book: WILMA RUDOLPH
Number of pages read: 184

This new chapter is about "Wilma Becomes a Fighter"
            In the 1940s in Clarksville, Tennessee an little girl of six years  called Wilma saw sadly as her brother Wesley ran out the door." see you later" he said over her shoulder. He was always going places and doing things. He would joke and laugh about later. He was only a year older than Wilma. She wanted to go with him. When she saw him leave she felt sad and she started to cry. And Wilma went to room with only a little radio to listen to. After of this event Wilma went not school because she was too sick. Wilma's mother said why is your leg like this? Wilma looked at the brace that was supposed to straighten her twisted foot and crooked leg. Then she looked intently at her mother's gentle face.
            Later, Dr. Coleman came by to check on her. He was a black doctor, and he treated all the black people in Clarksville. He had taken care of Wilma all her life. He always wore a suit and carried his doctor's leg Wilma thought he was very neat and very professional, but it was his face that she liked most. It was a kind intelligent face. She felt that Dr. Coleman understands her.
After leg was amputated but she continued to struggle to overcome this problem and after many years Wilma thus became Olympic runner and also she became Olympic champion. Finally, Wilma Rudolph died of brain cancer at 54 on November 12, 1994.
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I am delighted with this story I think is the most exciting and interesting story I've read so far. This story teaches us that we should never stop fighting for our ideals and that nothing is impossible in life when you believe and fight for their dreams.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012.
Name of the book: The U.S. COAST GUARD
Number of pages read: 50

This new chapter is about “Maritime Safety 1789-1915”
Some of the early colonies had built lighthouses to help ships to reach port safely.  The lighthouses Service were important for the safety of the sailors. Therefore, in 1716 the first lighthouse was built on Little Brewster Island in Boston U.S. As well, on August 7, 1789, Congress passed a law for that the Government take the control of all lighthouses, and established the Unites States’ Service Lighthouse.
After that, the lighthouses scattered on the East Coast and the United States Lighthouses Service continued to spread. By 1910 there were more than 1397 Lighthouses along the coast of the United States. The management of the lighthouses from Washington, D.C. gave enough money for new equipment. Years later, Unites States’ Lighthouse Board was created; therefore, the board established rules for people who worked at lighthouses. As a result, the United States had one of the best lighthouse systems in the world.
People who worked at lighthouses were known as lighthouses keepers, but they were civilians. Many women helped their husbands tend the lighthouses, and also children helped their fathers and mothers in running the light. The Unites States Lighthouse Service also used buoys to mark safe passages in harbors. Finally,   lighthouses Service were the most dangerous job.
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I think this is the best part of this book because it describes as the lighthouses were built in the ports of the United States to protect their vessels. And also how they were expanding and taking a lot of importance in ports.