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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, september 29,2012.

Name of the book: Fis For Freedom.

Author: Roni Schotter.

Number of pages read: 7.

Fis For Freedom

Summary Paragraph


            In this part of the story, Amanda has an idea. She opens her eyes and she starts to dances down on the tips of her toes and then she pulls  the pocket of her father and tells  " It is nearing Christmas," and you have a present for me in the closet, but Mr. Meecker doesn't want to give her the key of the closet. Afterward, Amanda starts to imagine that her father would ruin Christmas. And then, Amanda dreams something strange, and suddenly she gets up of her bed. Later on, Amanda was preparing to go to her school, and all of a sudden, she realized that her father and brother had prepared the breakfast. Finally, Amanda again closed her eyes and tried to imagine somewhat, and then she opened her eyes and she had become in a princess.

Reaction Paragraph

            while I was reading this part of story I comprehended better the sequence of the story. I like the form as the author relates the story. In this parte, he includes other characters as Amanda's brother.


  1. Thank you for completing your story.I am waiting
    for new action.

  2. I'm very interesting your summary. So I want to know about your book's characters and I have a question. Who is Mr. Meecker? Is he Amanda's father?
